Narrow is the way to eternal life few will be able to find it' broad is the way that leads to destruction and many shall fall in. Satan knew the dry bones was waking up and had a counter plan to put you back to sleep. R E L I G I O N , scriptures says the devil deceived the whole world well that deception started in Israel when Impostors(Black and Brown Esaudi Arabian Esau){ Impostor: Pharisee Scribes and Sadducee's} and Heathens(Roman Hybrid Rephaim) developed what you believe today. The Pharisee Religion and blend of Babylonian Talmud and Egyptian Mystery School and Greek Gnosticism teachings all inserted into the new text they created to replace the Ancient manuscript. Was the foundation your exile and enslavement was necessary to cut you off from your roots (you've become all things to all the people you were mingled with. Cultures of the heathens became the ways of a broken people the perception of the Heathens became the perception of the blind exiled masses. In our struggle to survive many abandoned their heritage for religion and customs of the Heathens and others we were mixed among. Today we are a extremely fearful people except against our own we fear the European we Fear the truth we fear standing out separated from the masses we then began to love Satan and his ways we love his food we love his entertainment his cultures style his swagger until we claim the ways of the Jews, Italians, and Irish and Greeks as our own. We love arrogance and pride based on the standards of this world and absolutely hate truth this is why many renegade Yisraelites exclaimed against the Messiah (“give us Barabbas”) this is exactly why throughout scriptures it describes the renegade Yisraelite over and over again. A brief list of attribute of Today's Yisrael; self deception convincing themselves that if a large body of like minded people agree (Justifies) the lie they cling to. That personal we lath and materialism is proof of favor with Yahuah. Bringing Shabbat for means is okay. The Ruach is a direct personage of Yah instead of a appointed Messenger. Traditions of men were the ways of Yah halls temple meeting places assemblies;(which replace the communities we were suppose to maintain in exile. Paul who over and over again tells you who he is, what he believes, who he serves, and what's his purpose but blind faith and denial and fear keep you locked in because he also says the comfortable lies contradiction and justifications for our wayward ways. Yahushua repeated a known parable Narrow is the way to internal life few will be able to find it' broad is the way that leads to destruction and many shall fall in. again the prophets said they prefer darkness rather than light call good evil and evil good they say bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. On YouTube they prophesied for reward for followers of men, and of course everyone wants to be “Liked” accepted etc. what way we should walk Yahushua gave you a example no different from any of the faithful servants except in perfection. All the Patriarch and Prophets appear as one entity remove the names of Yehowceph, Abraham, Moshe, Eliyahu, Samuel, Isaiah, Ezekiel Dawid etc and we would think they were all the self same individuals as Yahushua. Meanwhile we more Babylonian and Heathen than the very Heathens.